Sunday, December 2, 2007

my little giggler

Today Kyndie laughed! I know I had said before that she had been giggling, but her giggling sounded like her cooing. Today she just out right laughed. I was rocking her after just having fed her and she was in that state where she is kinda asleep but still awake. She was breathing hard and her eyes were half open and they were kinda rolling around. I was watching tv and all of a sudden I hear her laugh...and I looked down at her and she had a HUGE smile on her face and was still laughing. Then her eyes popped open real fast and she looked at me like what the heck was that. She had startled herself. It was so stinking adorable!! Sadly though, Greg missed it...he was at wal-mart.

Also, this was more coincidence but today Greg was leaving to go back to walmart and he said "I'm leaving, I'll be back in a little bit" and she looked at him and started crying and he said "I'll be right back, don't cry" and she stopped crying. It was cute! She's a daddy's girl already! Well that is all I have to update for now.

1 comment:

BelleLaDonna said...

AWW! How sweet! I love this blog! I get all the inside info without being there! It is awesome that you are doing this!