Wednesday, December 12, 2007

2 Month check up

Yesterday was Kyndie's two month check up. Everything is in order and coming along the way that it should be. She weighed 11Lbs and 8OZ and was 22 inches long. A little fatty! She had to have 4 shots and it was the saddest thing that I have ever seen! I almost cried too! She was happy and then all of a sudden she was being poked with sharp things, the look on her face just broke my heart. She was looking at me like "mommy, why are you letting her do this to me?!" She slept all day yesterday and is wanting to sleep all day today, but I think she feels better. The doctor called her chubby...haha. He wasn't getting onto me just said she was chubby because I told him that she was eating anywhere from 5-6 Ounces. Well no pictures today just an update!

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