Thursday, February 21, 2008

4 Month Check-up

Kyndie's 4 month check-up went well. She weighs 15Lbs and 10Oz. She's a little chunck!! Her head was 41" and she was 25 1/4 inches long. The doctor said she was healthy and she bigger than most little girls her age. They put her on solids...this week she is eating rice cereal. She seems to like it okay but of course she doesn't know how to eat it and makes a mess, but that's okay she will catch on. Next week she will start on oatmeal cereal and the week after that she will get to eat applesauce. She as such a little attitude on her! I guess she gets that from me. She can sit up with support...she does a pretty good job of that. Sometimes she will hold her bottle other times she is just lazy. She is almost rolling over but not yet...when it gets to hard she gives up and throws a fit. She can take her binky out of her mouth and put it back in. She grabs for toys and plays with them and she also is noticing more thing more and more everyday. I have pictures...

Kyndie holding her bottle

Kyndie and Daddy playing with her puppy

Kyndie in her new high chair
Kyndie playing with her toys in her new high chair
She loves her bath robe

Kyndie eating her first bite of solid foods

Kyndie reading a book..haha

Sunday, February 10, 2008

4 months

Today is Kyndie's 4 mths. She is getting so big and doing new things everyday. She is now grabbing at things..this has just started within the past week. She loves to squeal!!! LOUD! She loves to kick her legs when she get excited. She is still teething..that tooth still has not broke through, just the very tip of it and it bothers her everyday and she is slobbering like crazy and chewing on her hands and fingers. She loves her lion (in the picture above). She likes to chew on him and I think mostly she likes the yellow. Today in church she was holding hands with our friends nephew, he is only 7 mths. They were checking each other out and were interested in each other. It was cute...they had the whole congregations attention. They're the only 2 babies in the church. She can also take her binky out of her mouth and put it back in. She doesn't do that all the time though. She's supposed to have her 4 month check up tomorrow but the doctor is gone. They're supposed to call me in the morning to see if I can get her in with another pediatrician. So after her doctors appointment I will repost with her measurements and weight. I guess that is all for now.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Chunky Monkey

Look at those fat legs!
Look at that belly!!
Daddy and Kyndie looking at the computer

haha, she loves chewing on her fingers

Found something new!

Just pictures this time. I will update for her four months!