I haven't been able to update because our internet has been down for the last 2 days, but on Saturday we went to my moms and my sister took our family pictures for us and my mom took some of Kyndie. She looked so adorable in her Christmas dress! I don't have any of the pictures that my sister took yet, but I do have some that my mom took and they are so good! Here they are.

This is soo cute! If only my hand wasn't in it. What happened to her shoe?

Still missing her shoe and not happy anymore. This was after like 500 pictures she was tired of her picture being taken. Who can blame her?

Mom was trying to hold her up...She's soo stinking cute!

Not very cooperative

Not crying though, that's a good thing

aww...sleepy girl! She couldn't do without that binky!
When I get the ones that Brandy did I will put some one here, because those have family pics. I can't wait to see how they turned out. When we first started taking the pictures Kyndie was not a happy camper, she threw a fit, which is unusual for her because she hardly ever cries. I figured out that she was hungry and tired. We wanted pictures without the binky, but the only way to keep her from crying was to give it to her, so we have a few with it covering half of her face. Oh well she's still adorable! So we ended up letting her take a little cat nap and feeding her while Brandy went and got the twins and then when she got back Kyndie did very well, until she was tired of her picture being taken.
She has been teething and I feel so sorry for her because I know that her gums are hurting her so bad. I can see the tooth under the surface of her gums. I had to call Brandy to see if I could give her some Orajel because on the box it says four months and she is only 2 months old today. I gave her just a little bit and she licked it before I put it on her gums so I think she got a little bit on her tongue. It was instant relief for her because she stopped crying instantly. The look on her face was hilarious though when it got on her tongue...she kept sticking her tongue out and her eyes were big. After that wore off I had to give it to her again, but she was ok.
Greg is spoiling her! I am trying to get her to put herself to sleep in her bassinet and not hold her as much because she won't go to sleep at night if we hold her all day, plus I think it makes her body hurt. Anyway, she sleeps all night for me and acts really well, but on Greg's night she's a little monster... lol. She cries and cries and won't go to sleep. I keep telling him it's because he tenses up and she can sense it but he is so sure that he doesn't do that. I know he does. So he puts her in bed with us and lets her sleep there. She will sleep in the bassinet for me because I won't give into her, but she already knows that daddy will. It's frustrating when I am trying to teach her something and then it's dashed and then I have to start all over again. Oh well he'll get the point sooner or later when he is up with her all the time and I get to sleep.