Thursday, March 20, 2008


I just love to hear her laugh!! She is a little stinker! She loves to pull my hair! She still puts everything in her mouth and is drooling like crazy!! She says momma and dada. I'm not making that up, my mom and little sister hear her. Before they heard it no one believed me..they kept telling me that she was too young to be saying that but she says it often and has been saying momma since she was about 2 lie! She is still eating solids and she loves it. I gave her a teeny tiny bit of chocolate today and she LOVED it!! She had chocolate on her mouth. Any food or drink that we have she grabs for. She's no dummy, she knows that my food is way better than her solids and she would rather have mine. She reaches for things and can pick them up and hold it very well. If she drops her toy keys I will hold her down so she can pick them up.

Kyndie sleeping

playing in her walker

Chewing on her keys
"I see you!"

Look at those eyes!

Silly Girl!

Kyndie chewing on my head

Picking up her keys
Kyndie and mommy

"Stop taking pictures of me!!"

1 comment:

Twinmommy2boys said...

She's so happy! The dress is adorable. I have her a little outfit here that I bought for her the other day. And I see she is sleeping in her big girl bed.